When we bought our flowers to plant in the flower bed, I came up with a grand idea to plant some herbs too. I love fresh herbs in cooking, but they are so expensive, that I decided to try and grow our own. The pots cost $0.75 and the seed packets were $1.00. So hopefully it was a good investment, because let's just say, I don't really have much of a green thumb.
After I bought the pots, I remembered painting flower pots as a little girl, and I thought it would be fun for the girls to do so too. I had some extra paints from projects I had done previously, so I set up the table and we painted away. The girls thought that this was so much fun.
Although, Sweetie, said that my pot was better than hers. :) I still beg to differ. I love the way Sweetie painted the rim on her pot, it almost looks like she did the colors in the order of the rainbow, and I don't think I laid the colors out that way on our little paper plate palate.
Sweetie also took a picture of me with *my* pot. I will post it, but please promise not to laugh. I did not do my hair or makeup yet, as I didn't see the need to. :) But I do think the picture came out great for an almost five year old taking it. And Sweetie was proud of my pot as much as I was with hers!
Bean, Hard At Work
Bean's Accomplishments
Sweetie Painting Hers
The End Result
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