I have some funny things to report about Sweetie. Yesterday we visited Great Grandma and Grandpa. They lived where we used to live, and go to church where we used to go also.
Sweetie remembers a few people, some we have to help her remember, and some she just doesn't remember at all.
The first funny was this. The nursery at that church has a pager system to call parents back to the nursery if their child needs them. Sweetie eyed the pager and asked me what it was. It was towards the end of the service and we were waiting during the invitation. So I whispered to her that the pager buzzes if the ladies in the nursery need me to come get Tiny Boy. There was a little boy sleeping in the pew in front of us. He was snoring a little bit; not really loud, but enough for one to hear if it were really quiet. After I got done explaining to Sweetie about the pager, and she quieted down some, she said "Mommy, I think it is buzzing now!" I then realized she was hearing the little boy's snoring!
The second funny had to do with the same little boy. This was the little boy that she walked with when she was the flower girl in her Aunt's and Uncle's wedding. I also had to explain this to her. She remembers being the flower girl, but she doesn't remember the little boy. After I told her who it was, she seemed to remember then. Later on I found her trying to visit with him. He was sitting on a pew in the church's foyer, seeming highly annoyed with her. Another little girl told me that Sweetie told her, that she "had to find and stay with her man."
Later on in the car she told me that she had to find the boy that she married. She thought that she married him! Daddy and I thought that was pretty funny!
I hope you're writing all these little nuggets down for posterity. :D)
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