This week, I decided to start a Sewing Project with Sweetie. This is the first time that she has sewn something, and she did a fantastic job!
For being only five and half, I think she has a bright future of sewing ahead of her. I documented the process of her project, which was a heart-shaped pillow.
We went to the fabric store a few weeks ago, and Sweetie picked out the fabric herself. I think she has an excellent eye for beautiful fabric. And, as you look at these pictures, notice the color of the fabric she chose. ;-) And notice what color she is wearing for these past three days. And No, that wasn't planned. ;-)
Before I had Sweetie Cut out her pillow, I had her practice with these practice cutting patterns. I figured that it would help her with her moter skills when it came time to really cut out her fabric.
I drew a heart pattern from a heart- shaped cake pan, on her material. I used a sharpie pen. I know. I should of used chalk, but it worked out just fine. :) Here Sweetie is cutting out the heart. She did an excellent job.
Sweetie learning how to work the peddle on the machine. Push it soft to go slow. Push it hard to go fast. I took the thread out of the machine for this lesson; otherwise it wouldn't be very good for the machine.
When I learned to sew, I remember my teacher using patterns like these to teach me how to steer and control the fabric before I really started to sew. I thought that these cutting practice sheets would work very well. They did.
Sweetie did an awesome job with her hand, eye, feet coordination! I was really surprised, and she was giddy with excitement. :)The next day, she practiced more on some paper, then she learned how to pin her pillow together. She's coming awfully close to her finger there!
On the third day, she begins the actual sewing. This was a bit more tricky than the paper, but she is getting the hang of it!
Notice how carefully she works.
The last stages of her pillow. Stuffing it was lots of fun!
Another tricky part. Hand sewing. I had to help her out alot on this part. This requires extra fine moter skills. She has really tiny hands.
A job well done, and a little girl who is excited and proud of her accomplishments. She went right to bed and slept with her creation.I do believe she will be a better seamstress than her mommy. And I don't mind one bit. :)
To see what other's are showing and telling about today, please click on the Show and Tell picture at the beginning of my post. Have a wonderful Day. :)
She did a wonderful job!!!!! It is so cute:)
this is just so precious!
you know, i was never taught to sew... i just kind of muddled along and found my own way. i do ok, but what a wonderful advantage your daughter has being taught so well from such an early age!
you're such a good mommy;-)
What a wonderful show & tell! Your daughter did an amazing job for her tender age. Ahhhhhhhhhhh such sweetness!
Wow, very very well done indeed! She did an amazing job and I can't believe that she's just five and a half years old!
Congratulations to your Sweetie for her first selfmade heart!
Best wishes from Germany,
You're a good teacher and she learned well. Good job!
What wonderful work! Kaia is almost 5, but so impatient I could never let her near my sewing machine or serger. I shall have to wait and see how she matures.
Wonderful work your girl did! Pink dresses and skirts area favorite here too!
She did a great job. I love her precious pillow. Linda
Both the pillow and your little darlin' are precious! I love how diligently she's working. :o) The fabric was a beautiful choice, and what a super idea to use cutting patterns for practice! That's great!
She really did a wonderful job ! and apparently she is also very patient, because I never were, lol !
How wonderful that you not only are teaching her to sew but that you have documented it so well. What treasurers for her in the future. I love the intensity on her little face. GREAT JOB, both of you!!!
Absolutely amazing!!!! I loved the step by step accomplishments. Pretty girl!!!
My show n tell is shared, I hope you can come over to visit with me. Have a great weekend.
Oh Heather, That is wonderful! My mother let me start stuff like that when I was four and it has paid off. Good for you! That is what great moms do! xoRachel
Wow! That is truely awesome!
How sweet! My post today is about my treadle sewing machine! Our youngest daughter (almost 21) loves to sew and she started the exact same way as your little girl!
What a cutie-patootie!
Tell Sweetie I am impressed with her sewing ability! Great job and so cute!
What a great job she did.
She did a great job. What a wonderful post! Jennifer
I enjoyed watching Sweetie's progress! I love the fabric chosen and the end result. This was especially enjoyable as we will be buying a sewing machine within the next month and hope Kayla (9) wants to learn and use it often. Thanks for the step by step!!
Hello! Fantastic first sewing project for Sweetie! I Love the fabric she chose as well!
I am so glad you are passing on this skill to her! She appears to be an eager learner. She did a great job!
This is a very good skill to teach. She looks very concentrated in her work. I loved all the pink outfits, did you sew them all?
I enjoyed seeing your Show and Tell.
That's great and she did a wonderful job. Please tell her that her pillow is just beautiful and to keep up the good work. It's so important for us to keep passing our skills and talents to our children--good job mom!
Cathy :)
She did a great job - and what a wonderful way to learn to sew!
I love this that you're teaching Sweetie to sew. I learned to sew when I was about that age and I am so glad I did.
I love your banner. This is the first time I've visited your blog. I clicked on it since it was the first one on Show & Tell Friday. I love your music.
Three cheers for Sweetie! :)
I think it's wonderful that you're starting her off early. I'm older than you, and I couldn't operate a sewing machine if my life depended on it!
Great job for a 5 year old! She really is a "sweetie!"
I forgot to do Show and Tell!! So I'm just enjoying reading other's.
What a little cutie! Getting her started early, too -- good for you! Only one of my daughters has really shown an interest in sewing thus far, but then, I didn't really get started until I had kids of my own, so there's still hope. lol
Great pictures, and her little pillow turned out great. ;o)
Sweetie...What a beautiful pillow you made and what a very beautiful little girl you are...I wish I could sew something as nice as this...Mommy is doing a wonderful job teaching you...Thank you for sharing this with us...Hugs Gramma Jeannie
How wonderful that you are starting with the basics. She is doing a great job. I am sure in a few years you will have an expert semstress on your hands.
Thanks for sharing,
She is so sweet and on task!
My daughter was a hyper one
at 5+, running around was her
thing. So lucky you can share
your gifts with her!
Those are the sweetest pictures! A beautiful girl and a wonderful project!
Wonderful job, Sweetie! The pillow is beautiful!
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