Well, I know I said that I would have a new post. There were two things playing into why one wasn't up sooner. One, I took pictures *all* day yesterday, and somehow they got lost in technology. They weren't on my disk when I went to upload my camera. I was sooo upset, because I had some really nice ones to share! :( Oh well, that can't be helped.
The second reason was, I was too tired to, and then my hubby got home from work.
Our day went very nice. I made the children a heart shapped breakfast. I took a heart cookie cutter, placed it on a plate, and filled it with scrambled eggs. It looked soooo cute, but alas,, my camera wasn't behaving.
After breakfast we did some chores. Then we made cupcakes with pink icing. I also packed a basket filled with tea items. We planned on having a suprise Valentine Tea Party with my Grandmother. After that, and getting dressed, we headed to Chick-*-A. The girls most favorite fast food resturant. ;-)
One message board that I am a part of had a Valentine Day Card Swap with the children. So after our lunch, the girls opened their cards. It was lots of fun. :) They then played on the playset for about 10 more minutes.
After our lunch and opening of cards, we headed out to go visit my Grandmother for afternoon tea. She was very suprised to see us, and I believe her spirits were lifted. She is a sort of a shut in. She can't drive, and she doesn't get to go out much. We live about a half hour away, which means we don't see her very often.
When we left Grandma's the kids were all high on sugar; some were grumpy. Some were crazy. Some were sleepy. ;-)
We arrived home, andI gave the girls their baths, then put hot water on the stove for Spaghetti. I made Garlic Green Beans, and Garlic Toast to go with it.. Sweetie ate all of hers. Bean was picky as usual.
The children to went to bed after supper, and I browsed around some blogs. My husband has been having a more than normal workload for the past month. His manager got a position at another company, and the lady that shares his work load in on maternity leave, so he was late in getting home.
When he did get home, he had this beautiful card for me.
This is really funny. It *is* handmade, and I thought that maybe, perhapes, he actually did make it. (Like he went online and tried to find a tutuorial and made me one.) But then he explained that a lady at his work made a bunch of these cards, and sold them to all the men who forgot to buy their wives a card! LOL! I told him that I thought that he made it, and he said, "No, I bought it, because I am not *that* guy." LOL. If you watched the Dream Guys video on my blog last week, you would understand what I am refering to.
But it really was a nice card, and when I read what he wrote in it, I started to cry. I forgot all of what the card had said, but then after hugs and kisses, I remembered he said, "I hope you like these gifts". So I asked him what that meant. He then went outside, and brought in two big bags from Ma*y's I could hardly believe it! What was inside? Well....

This is a rice cooker. I have heard all sorts of wonderful things about these. To make matters even better, the same lady who made the card above, always raves about her rice cooker. So my husband was very familiar with these. He was joking with my mom about a certain fancy shmancy resturant that my Dad should take her to for Valentines Day. He has been there for work functions and really enjoyed it. I then turned to my mom and jokingly said, "See mom, he gets to have all the fun, while I sit at home and eat Peanut Butter sandwiches." Hubby then said, he would take me there someday. He then starts telling me the prices, and I said, "Forget it! I can think of *alot* better things to spend money on, then to spend that kind of money on food." So my husband asked me what kind of things. So I then begin to list all these wonderful things. Including a rice cooker. Which he rememebered. I never believed that he would of bought me one!
He also gave somthing "un-practical" too, LOL! When we were courting he told me he liked perfume. (He likes all kinds of good smells. He even loves candles!) I hardly wore perfume, so I asked him to pick something that he liked. This is the fragrance he picked. Ironically I just ran out of my orginal bottle. (I was *very* frugal with it LOL) But whenever I smell this fragrance, I always think of my husband, and our courting time. :) Now I love it!
So we had a fun day yesterday. :)
To see more show and tell items please click on the Show and Tell Button at the beginning of my post. Have a wonderful day!